Lalvin 71B-1122 Narbonne Active Freeze Dried Wine Yeast
- For young wines such as vin nouveau and has been found to be very suitable for blush and residual sugar whites
- Ideal for concentrates
- A rapid starting and constant fermenting semi-dry white wine yeast that will enhance fruit flavors and add fruity esters
- Best Styles : Blush, Residual Sugar Whites, Nouveau, Young Red Wines, Late Harvest Wines, Rose
A rapid starting and constant fermenting semi-dry white wine yeast that will enhance fruit flavors and add fruity esters, ideal for fermenting with neutral grapes or concentrates. Limits phenol extraction and may neutralize up to 40% of malic acid producing a smooth and rounded "nouveau" wines that will mature quickly. A low foaming strain. Whites, roses, nouveaus and concentrates. Also known as the "Narbonne" strain. 59-89 F (15- 30C) Alcohol Tolerance: 14%.